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House Keeper Band 2South Tees Hospitals NHS Foundation Trust , Northallerton
Practice Educator Emergency Department (Band 6) NHS AfC: Band 6Torbay and South Devon NHS Foundation Trust , Torbay
Community Support Worker Band 4Gloucestershire Health and Care NHS Foundation Trust , Stroud
Theatre Practitioner - Registered Nurse or ODP NHS AfC: Band 5Torbay and South Devon NHS Foundation Trust , Torquay
Consultant in Infectious Disease NHS Medical & Dental: ConsultantNorth Bristol NHS Trust , Bristol
Paediatric Sister/Charge Nurse Band 6University Hospitals of Derby and Burton NHS Foundation Trust , Derby
Jobs closing soon
Paramedic (Qualified) - Herts & West Essex Band 6Today at 10:00 East of England Ambulance Service Trust , Hertfordshire
Volunteer Clinic Support Unpaid volunteer roleToday at 10:00 Pennine Care NHS Foundation Trust , Oldham
Cheshire and Merseyside Surgical Centre Research Fellow Junior Clinical FellowToday at 12:00 Wirral University Teaching Hospital NHS Foundation Trust , Bebington
Senior Clinical Fellow - Respiratory Medicine Senior Clinical FellowToday at 12:00 Norfolk and Norwich University Hospitals NHS Foundation Trust , Norwich
House Keeper NHS AfC: Band 2Today at 23:59 Manchester University NHS Foundation Trust , Manchester
Pharmacy Technician/Science Manufacturing Technician -Aseptic Services NHS AfC: Band 4Today at 23:59 North Cumbria Integrated Care NHS Foundation Trust , Carlisle