Gwasanaethau gwyddor iechyd
Echocardiography Services ManagerNHS AfC: Band 8aBlackpool Teaching Hospitals NHS Foundation TrustBlackpoolCyflog:£53,755 - £60,504 per annum
Bone Densitometry (DEXA) ReporterBand 7 (Annex 21)The Newcastle upon Tyne Hospitals NHS Foundation Trust317 TrustwideCyflog:£46,148 - £52,809 pro rata
Lead Technician Electronic Prescribing & Medicines Admin (EPMA)Band 5Nottingham University Hospitals NHS TrustNottinghamCyflog:£29,970 - £36,483 per annum
Newborn Hearing ScreenerBand 3York and Scarborough Teaching Hospitals NHS Foundation TrustHarrogateCyflog:£24,071 - £25,674 pro rata
Clinical Vascular Scientist / Advanced Clinical PhysiologistBand 7University Hospitals of Derby and Burton NHS Foundation TrustDerbyCyflog:£46,148 - £52,809 pro rata pa
PhlebotomistBand 2University Hospitals of Derby and Burton NHS Foundation TrustDerbyCyflog:£23,615 pro rata pa
Specialist Clinical Pharmacist - CancerBand 7University Hospitals of Derby and Burton NHS Foundation TrustDerbyCyflog:£46,148 - £52,809 pro rata pa
Assistant Technical Officer in Cardio Respiratory and CommunityBand 3Liverpool University Hospitals NHS Foundation TrustLiverpoolCyflog:£24,071 - £25,674 per annum
Clinical PhysiologistBand 5Liverpool University Hospitals NHS Foundation TrustLiverpoolCyflog:£29,970 - £36,483 per annum
Assistant Technical Officer - Pharmacy AsepticsBand 2Liverpool University Hospitals NHS Foundation TrustLiverpoolCyflog:£23,615 per annum
Chief Pharmacy Technician - Medicines SafetyBand 6Nottingham University Hospitals NHS TrustNottinghamCyflog:£37,338 - £44,962 PA
Pharmacy Technician Clinical TrialsBand 4Nottingham University Hospitals NHS TrustNottinghamCyflog:£26,530 - £29,114 per annum
Principal Pharmacist - Antimicrobials & HIVBand 8cLondon North West University Healthcare NHS TrustHarrowCyflog:£80,025 - £91,336 per annum (displayed rate is for 1.0 WTE)
Biomedical ScientistNHS AfC: Band 5University Hospitals Coventry and Warwickshire NHS TrustNuneatonCyflog:£29,970 - £36,483 per annum
Medicines Safety PractitionerBand 6Greater Manchester Mental Health NHS Foundation TrustPrestwichCyflog:£37,338 - £44,962 per annum
Advanced Clinical Pharmacist - Renal MedicineBand 8aLiverpool University Hospitals NHS Foundation TrustLiverpoolCyflog:£53,755 - £60,504 per annum
Clinical OptometristBand 7Ashford and St. Peter's Hospitals NHS Foundation TrustChertseyCyflog:£48,270 - £54,931 pa, inc. HCAS, pro rata
Deputy Laboratory Manager - Histopathology (BMS)NHS AfC: Band 8aSheffield Teaching Hospitals NHS Foundation TrustChesterfieldCyflog:£53,755 - £60,504 pa/pro rata for part time staff
Biomedical Scientist - Haematology and Blood TransfusionBand 5Wye Valley NHS TrustHerefordCyflog:£29,970 - £36,483 pa pro rata
Assistant Technical OfficerNHS AfC: Band 3East Cheshire NHS TrustVictoria Road, MacclesfieldCyflog:£24,071 - £25,674 per annum, pro rata
Pharmacy Technician, Medicines ManagementBand 5Kingston and Richmond NHS Foundation TrustKingstonCyflog:£34,521 - £41,956 pa incl of Outer London HCAS
Medicines Optimisation Pharmacy TechnicianBand 4 / 5 depending on qualificationsAshford and St. Peter's Hospitals NHS Foundation TrustChertseyCyflog:£27,857 - £38,308 per annum inc. HCAS - Band 4 / 5 depending on qualifications
Specialised/Highly Specialised Cardiac Physiologist (Echocardiography)NHS AfC: Band 6/7Sheffield Teaching Hospitals NHS Foundation TrustSheffieldCyflog:£37,338 - £52,809 pa/pro rata for part time staff
Deputy Lead - Medical imagingBand 7Moorfields Eye Hospital NHS Foundation TrustLondonCyflog:£54,320 - £60,981 per annum incl. HCAS
Senior Quality Assurance TechnicianBand 5East Kent Hospitals University NHS Foundation TrustCanterburyCyflog:£29,970 - £36,483 Per annum
Advanced Biomedical Scientist - VirologyNHS AfC: Band 7Sheffield Teaching Hospitals NHS Foundation TrustSheffieldCyflog:£46,148 - £52,809 pa/pro rata for part time staff
Biomedical Science Assistant (Higher Level)NHS AfC: Band 3Sheffield Teaching Hospitals NHS Foundation TrustSheffieldCyflog:£24,071 - £25,674 pa /pro rata for part time staff
Quality Assurance Manager – Technical ServicesBand 8aNottingham University Hospitals NHS TrustNottinghamCyflog:£53,755 - £60,504 per annum
Quality Assurance Releasing OfficerBand 7Nottingham University Hospitals NHS TrustNottinghamCyflog:£46,148 - £52,809 per annum
Biomedical Science AssistantNHS AfC: Band 2Sheffield Teaching Hospitals NHS Foundation TrustBarnsleyCyflog:£23,615 pa/ pro rata for part time staff
Cardiac Physiologist Band 7Band 7Oxford University Hospitals NHS Foundation TrustOxford & BanburyCyflog:£46,148 - £52,809 per annum pro rata
Chief Cardiac PhysiologistBand 7Medway NHS Foundation TrustGillinghamCyflog:£46,148 - £52,809 per annum/pro rata
Specialist Pharmacist Haematology and OncologyBand 7 to 8a STEPBirmingham Women's and Children's NHS Foundation TrustBirminghamCyflog:£46,148 - £60,504 Per Annum
Band 4 to 5 STEP Technician- Parenteral NutritionNHS AfC: Band 4 to 5 STEPBirmingham Women's and Children's NHS Foundation TrustBirminghamCyflog:£26,530 - £36,483 Per Annum
Ophthalmic Vision Science Team LeaderBand 5Moorfields Eye Hospital NHS Foundation TrustLondonCyflog:£35,964 - £43,780 per annum incl. HCAS
Senior Clinical Pharmacy TechnicianBand 5Medway NHS Foundation TrustGillinghamCyflog:£29,970 - £36,483 per annum/pro rata
Pharmacy Distribution AssistantBand 2Medway NHS Foundation TrustkentCyflog:£23,615 per annum/pro rata
Clinical Pharmacist - Medway Community HealthcareBand 7Medway NHS Foundation TrustGillinghamCyflog:£46,148 - £52,809 per annum/pro rata
Pharmacy MessengerBand 2Milton Keynes University Hospital NHS Foundation TrustMilton KeynesCyflog:£23,615 per annum pro rata
Highly Specialised Paediatric PhysiologistBand 7King's College Hospital NHS Foundation TrustLondonCyflog:£54,320 - £60,981 Per annum including HCA
Deputy Head of Radiation Protection / Consultant PhysicistBand 8cRoyal Surrey NHS Foundation TrustGuildfordCyflog:£76,412 - £87,723 Per annum (pro rata) inc HCAS
Senior Pharmacy Technician - Aseptic ServicesBand 5279 University Hospitals Sussex NHS Foundation TrustBrightonCyflog:£29,970 - £36,483 per annum
Senior Audiologist (Complex Adults)Band 6South Warwickshire University NHS Foundation TrustWarwickCyflog:£37,338 - £44,962 pro rata
Deputy Head of Radiation Protection - INTERNALNHS AfC: Band 8cRoyal Berkshire NHS Foundation TrustReadingCyflog:£74,290 - £85,601 per annum
Band 6 - Pharmacy Technician - Digital SystemsBand 6West Hertfordshire Teaching Hospitals NHS TrustWatfordCyflog:£39,205 - £47,084 pa inc HCA pro rata
Advanced Specialist Pharmacist Virtual Wards, Hospital @ Home + OPATNHS AfC: Band 8aBedfordshire Hospitals NHS Foundation TrustLutonCyflog:£53,755 - £60,504 per annum
Associate Practitioner - Point of Care TestingBand 4South Tees Hospitals NHS Foundation TrustMiddlesbroughCyflog:£26,530 - £29,114 per annum (pro rata)
Senior Clinical Support Worker (Internal Only)4East Cheshire NHS TrustVictoria Road, MacclesfieldCyflog:£26,530 - £29,114 Per annum
Uwch Fferyllydd ClinigolGradd 8aBwrdd Iechyd Prifysgol Bae AbertaweAbertaweCyflog:£54,550 - £61,412 y flwyddyn
Band 8a - Advanced Clinical Pharmacist for Virtual WardNHS AfC: Band 8aWhittington Health NHS TrustLondonCyflog:£61,927 - £68,676 61,927-68,676 Inclusive Inner HCAs per annum