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Medical and Dental
Consultant Psychiatrist in Old Age PsychiatryNHS Medical & Dental: ConsultantNottinghamshire Healthcare NHS Foundation TrustKirkby In AshfieldSalary:£105,504 - £139,882 per annum
Locum General Medicine ConsultantNHS Medical & Dental: Locum ConsultantEpsom and St Helier University Hospitals NHS TrustCarshaltonSalary:£100 - £125 Bank
Locum Acute AMU Consultant (STH) line of workConsultantEpsom and St Helier University Hospitals NHS TrustCarshaltonSalary:£100 - £125 bank
Locum SPR PaediatricSPREpsom and St Helier University Hospitals NHS TrustCarshaltonSalary:£75 Bank
Locum General Medicine SPRSPREpsom and St Helier University Hospitals NHS TrustCarshaltonSalary:£75 Bank
Locum A&E SPRSPREpsom and St Helier University Hospitals NHS TrustCarshaltonSalary:£75 Bank
Locum Anaesthetics Consultant Line of WorkConsultantEpsom and St Helier University Hospitals NHS TrustCarshaltonSalary:£100 - £125 Bank
Locum A&E SHOSHOEpsom and St Helier University Hospitals NHS TrustCarshaltonSalary:£36.94 - £44.33 Bank
Locum Paediatric SHONHS Medical & Dental: Foundation Year 2Epsom and St Helier University Hospitals NHS TrustCarshaltonSalary:£36.94 - £44.33 Bank
Locum General Medicine SHONHS Medical & Dental: Foundation House Officer 2Epsom and St Helier University Hospitals NHS TrustCarshaltonSalary:£36.94 - £44.33 Bank
Locum Radiologist Consultant Line of Work (Sub-speciality in MSK)NHS Medical & Dental: Locum ConsultantEpsom and St Helier University Hospitals NHS TrustCarshaltonSalary:£100 - £125 bank
Locum Obs and Gynae SPRSPREpsom and St Helier University Hospitals NHS TrustCarshaltonSalary:£75 Bank
Bank Paediatric ConsultantNHS Medical & Dental: Locum ConsultantEpsom and St Helier University Hospitals NHS TrustCarshaltonSalary:£100 - £125 Bank
Consultant Oral SurgeonNHS Medical & Dental: ConsultantThe Shrewsbury and Telford Hospital NHS TrustTelfordSalary:£105,504 - £139,882 per annum
Consultant Radiologist with specialist interest in MSK ImagingNHS Medical & Dental: ConsultantThe Shrewsbury and Telford Hospital NHS TrustShrewsburySalary:£105,504 - £139,882 per annum
Clinical Fellow ST1-3 equivalent in PaediatricsNHS Medical & Dental: Specialty Trainee (ST1/2)279 University Hospitals Sussex NHS Foundation TrustBrightonSalary:£41,750 - £54,468 per annum
Consultant in General MedicineYC72Blackpool Teaching Hospitals NHS Foundation TrustBlackpoolSalary:£105,504 - £139,882 pa pro rata
Consultant for Urgent and Emergency CareNHS Medical & Dental: ConsultantShropshire Community Health NHS TrustTelfordSalary:£105,504 - £139,882 per annum
Specialty Doctor in Obstetrics & GynaecologyNHS Medical & Dental: Specialty DoctorMersey and West Lancashire Teaching Hospitals NHS TrustPrescotSalary:£59,175 - £95,400 Per annum (Grade MC 75)
Trauma FellowNHS Medical & Dental: Local Appointment nodal point 5 (MT05)Ashford and St. Peter's Hospitals NHS Foundation TrustChertseySalary:£70,425 per annum
Speciality DoctorNHS Medical & Dental: Specialty DoctorNorth Cumbria Integrated Care NHS Foundation TrustCarlisleSalary:£59,175 - £95,400 Dependant on experience
Clinical Fellow Neuro-Palliative care (Geriatric medicine)ST3-7North Bristol NHS TrustBristolSalary:£37,068 - £57,570 pa
Locum Consultant AnaesthetistNHS Medical & Dental: ConsultantCroydon Health Services NHS TrustCroydonSalary:£105,504 - £139,882 + London Weighting + on calls 3% cat A
Trust Doctor ST3+ Level in CardiothoracicMT04Blackpool Teaching Hospitals NHS Foundation TrustBlackpoolSalary:£61,825 PA Pro Rata
SHo for Stroke and Older PeopleMT02Liverpool University Hospitals NHS Foundation TrustLiverpoolSalary:£42,008 Per annum pro Rata
Locum Consultant ENTNHS Medical & Dental: ConsultantNorth Cumbria Integrated Care NHS Foundation TrustCarlisleSalary:£105,504 - £139,882 Per Annum
Consultant in ENTConsultantNorth Cumbria Integrated Care NHS Foundation TrustCarlisleSalary:£105,504 - £139,882 per annum
Consultant in Oral SurgeryConsultantLiverpool University Hospitals NHS Foundation TrustLiverpoolSalary:£105,504 - £139,882 per annum, pro rata
Specialist Registrar in HaemotologyNHS Medical & Dental: Specialty Trainee (ST3-5)The Princess Alexandra Hospital NHS TrustHarlowSalary:£61,825 per annum plus £149 London fringe
Fellowship in Cornea and External Eye DiseaseNHS Medical & Dental: Clinical Research FellowLiverpool University Hospitals NHS Foundation TrustLiverpoolSalary:£49,909 - £70,425 per Annum (dependant on experience)
Consultant Obstetrician and Gynaecologist (High-Risk Antenatal Care)ConsultantSherwood Forest Hospitals NHS Foundation TrustSutton In AshfieldSalary:£105,504 - £139,882 (pro rata) plus an attractive R&R premia and other benefits
Consultant GastroenterologistConsultantSherwood Forest Hospitals NHS Foundation TrustSutton-In-AshfieldSalary:£105,504 - £139,882 pro rata
Vascular RegistrarSpecialty RegistrarLiverpool University Hospitals NHS Foundation TrustLiverpoolSalary:£49,909 - £70,425 per annum, pro rata
Consultant Radiologist with an interest in Head and NeckNHS Medical & Dental: ConsultantUniversity Hospitals Dorset NHS Foundation TrustBournemouthSalary:£105,504 - £139,882 per annum
Consultant Obstetrician in High Risk ObstetricsConsultantRoyal Cornwall Hospitals NHS TrustTruroSalary:£105,504 - £139,882 per annum
Speciality RegistrarNHS Medical & Dental: Specialty RegistrarNorth Cumbria Integrated Care NHS Foundation TrustCarlisleSalary:£61,825 - £70,425 per annum
Healthcare Assistant - Sexual HealthBand 3Liverpool University Hospitals NHS Foundation TrustRuncornSalary:£24,071 - £25,674 per annum, pro rata
Locum Consultant OphthalmologistNHS Medical & Dental: ConsultantWye Valley NHS TrustHerefordSalary:£105,504 - £139,882 per annum
Locum Consultant in Sexual Health & HIVNHS Medical & Dental: Locum ConsultantBedfordshire Hospitals NHS Foundation TrustLutonSalary:£105,504 - £139,882 per annum
Locum Consultant Oncoplastic Breast SurgeonLocum ConsultantWirral University Teaching Hospital NHS Foundation TrustBebingtonSalary:£105,504 - £139,882 per annum
Pleural Clinical Fellow in Respiratory MedicineJunior Clinical FellowWirral University Teaching Hospital NHS Foundation TrustArrowe Park, Upton, WirralSalary:£49,909 - £70,425 per annum
Respiratory Clinical FellowJunior Clinical FellowWirral University Teaching Hospital NHS Foundation TrustUptonSalary:£49,909 - £61,825 None
Clinical Spinal Fellow (Spinal Surgery)MT04South Tees Hospitals NHS Foundation TrustMiddlesbroughSalary:£61,825 per annum
Hepatology ConsultantNHS Medical & Dental: ConsultantUniversity Hospitals of Leicester NHS TrustLeicesterSalary:£105,504 - £139,882 pa pro rata
Senior Clinical Fellow in Female and Functional Urology (ST7+)ST7+North Bristol NHS TrustBristolSalary:£63,152 per annum
Paediatric ConsultantNHS Medical & Dental: ConsultantDoncaster and Bassetlaw Teaching Hospitals NHS Foundation TrustDoncasterSalary:£105,504 - £139,882 per annum
Senior Clinical Fellow in Medical EducationNHS Medical & Dental: Core Trainee (CT1/2)North Bristol NHS TrustBristolSalary:Dependant on experience
Locum Consultant in Emergency MedicineNHS Medical & Dental: ConsultantUniversity Hospitals Dorset NHS Foundation TrustPooleSalary:£105,504 - £139,882 PA
Consultant in Diabetes and General Internal MedicineNHS Medical & Dental: ConsultantLewisham and Greenwich NHS TrustLondonSalary:£105,504 - £139,882 per annum
Specialist Doctor - Child & Adolescent Psychiatry - Bournemouth CAMHSSpecialist DoctorDorset HealthCare University NHS Foundation TrustBournemouthSalary:£96,990 - £107,155 pa pro-rata for part time